Fiverr is one of the freelancing websites where you can hire freelancers for as low as $5. However, to log in to hire a freelancer is somehow difficult for some people especially newbies.

But you don’t have to worry if you belong to that category because this article will explain Fiverr Login in detail and how you can proceed thereafter to hire a freelancer who will handle your job. I will also answer some of your frequently asked questions.
Let’s begin.
What is Fiverr Login?
Fiverr Login is simply the combination of your email address and your password which allows you to access Fiverr and proceed to hire a freelancer. When you want to log in to your Fiverr account to hire a freelancer, you must input your email address and your password.
What is your email address?
This can be defined as your unique identifier that states your location virtually via which you can receive emails from fellow email users. If you don’t have an email address, you can create one in minutes with top email service providers( ESP).
Examples are Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Outlook, GMX Mail, Zoho, iCloudMail, Yandex Mail, etc. I prefer Gmail because is the most popular with cool features. It is easy to use and is owned by Google.
What is your password?
Another step to Fiverr login is to input your password. It is a security measure to protect your Fiverr account. Remember that you will connect to your PayPal or use your cards to pay for a gig on Fiverr.
That’s why it is important to protect your account. Password is simply the combination of alphabets, numbers, and special characters which you input alongside your email address to log in to Fiverr. I suggest that you make your password strong.
How to make your Fiverr password strong
The first step is to make sure that your password is a minimum of 8 characters. Some services suggest 6 but you have to be on a safer side. The idea is to make it long. Secondly is to make it a combination of upper case, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
Upper case letter: A, B, Q, R, etc
Lower case letter: a, b, q, r, etc
Numbers: 9,8,7,6,4,etc
Special characters: &, %, $, @, #,?, etc
Bear in mind that your password should be what you can remember off-head. Although you can always reset it if you forget.
However, it is important to note that you might not necessarily need to input your email and password before you can hire a freelancer on Fiverr. You can do at the end when you want to pay for the gig you have ordered on Fiverr.
Fiverr also allows you to use your Google, Facebook, or Apple accounts to log in or sign in.
Hiring a Freelancer
Now that you understand Fiverr login, let’s head to how to hire a freelancer which is the next step. When you land on the home page of Fiverr, you will see a search bar where you can search for any service you want.
Below the search bar is a list of popular categories that buyers like you have searched in recent times: Website Design, WordPress, Logo Design, Dropshipping.
Let’s take for instance that I want to hire a Virtual Assistant. I will type in Virtual Assistant on the search bar and it will return the account of sellers on Fiverr who offer virtual assistance services.

You can decide to filter them base on seller details, budget, and delivery time. Seller details include the rating of the seller, the spoken language, and location.
A budget simply means the minimum and the maximum amount you’re willing to pay. Then delivery time is the duration which you expect the seller to deliver your job.
For each of the filters always remembers to click apply to pull freelancers who match what you want.
The next is to check out the profile of these freelancers. One thing you must pay attention to here is the ratings and reviews of these sellers.
Alternatively, you can scroll down to the marketplace on Fiverr. There you will different categories.

Click on any which you feel is related to the kind of service you want to hire. For instance, if I’m looking for a logo designer, the Graphics & Design category is the best to click on.

When you click on it, you will see the most popular services under it. Note: This process applies to all categories in the marketplace
Ratings & Reviews
Ratings simply mean the vote of satisfaction or dissatisfaction clients pass on a freelancer after they receive their job from them. It is on a scale of 1-5. Reviews simply mean what these clients said before they gave those ratings.

But my advice is for you to take the time to read these reviews to be sure that they are genuine. Some reviews on some seller’s accounts can be fake.
Same as ratings. They deliberately do these to deceive you so that you can hire them for your job. It could be a red flag if you come across 3-4 consecutive reviews that say almost the same thing. Fiverr is yet to develop a system to check this.
Gig Packages
Once you’re satisfied with the reviews and ratings of a certain freelancer, the next thing is to compare the gig packages. Sellers on Fiverr offer 3 different gig packages namely: Basic( Bronze), Standard( Silver), Premium(Gold).

The reason for these packages is for you to decide which is more favorable to your business. Sometimes the Premium plan is more beneficial because it contains additional services and can save you little money compared to the basic plan.
Contact the Seller
This is the stage when you get in touch with the seller to discuss your project. You will see the “contact me” button beside the profile picture of the seller.

Once you’re in touch with the seller, discuss your project with him/her.
Many of the sellers on Fiverr are professionals. They have handled projects related to yours or even more difficult than the one you may come with. But always ask for previous work samples.
The aim is to size them up and know if they can deliver the kind of job you want. Also, monitor the tone of the conversation.
It is said that the first impression matters a lot. The conversation tone of some freelancers is enough to tell that they can’t make adjustments to your project if you demand such.
The seller will ask you to order a gig when you’re done with the conversation. This simply means you checking the different packages the seller offers and deciding which to go for.
Payment for gigs
Here you click on the package you want. Read up the details to ensure that it is what you want before you click on continue.

After clicking on continue, you will be taken to a new page which is the summary of the amount you will pay which includes: Subtotal, service fee, total, and delivery time.

Now click on Continue to Check Out. That will take to your login option. Remember that we discussed Fiverr Login above.
Here you can sign in using your Facebook, Google, Apple account or with your email and password which I showed you above.

If you haven’t created an account, you can still do that and proceed to make payment for the gig you have ordered with a seller on Fiverr.
Payment options are available on Fiverr
There are multiple payment options for buyers on Fiverr. They are as follows:
- PayPal
- Discover
- Visa
- Mastercard

All these payment gateways are SSL secured so you don’t have to worry about losing your payment details to hackers.
Want to jump straight to hiring a freelancer on Fiverr? Click on any of the categories below and you will be taken directly to freelancers that offer the kind of service you want.
Frequently Asked Questions On Fiverr Login & How To Hire A Freelancer On Fiverr
I forgot my password when I want to pay for a gig. How can I recover it?
It is common that you can forget your password when you want to sign in to pay for the gig you have ordered.
Just click on forget password and you will be taken to a new window where you will enter your active and correct email address.

Fiverr will email you with the link to reset it almost immediately.
How can I cancel an order on Fiverr?
You can cancel an order you have placed with a seller on Fiverr.
Head to the resolution page and open your order page. Select ask your seller to cancel your order on the next page.
Choose a reason for canceling the order and click on continue. After selecting a reason, give a reasonable explanation for canceling the order and tap on send.
The request to cancel your order will be sent to your seller and they have 2 days to decline or accept it.
At this point, you still have the option to withdraw the dispute on your order. If the seller fails to decline or accept the request, the order will be canceled automatically after 48 hours.
Are Fiverr sellers legit?
Yes, there are a lot of professional and high skilled sellers on Fiverr whose genuine ratings and reviews speak for them. Also, there are a few mediocre’s who just spam. It is up to you to use the ratings and reviews to identify the legit sellers.
Recommended: Do you want to hire the services of world-class brands on Fiverr? Learn how to buy top-notch gigs from Fiverr Pro Sellers.
That’s all with Fiverr login and how to hire a freelancer thereafter. I trust you now understand the steps to take to login into Fiverr and hire a freelancer who will handle your task.
One interesting about Fiverr is that its interface is beginner-friendly.
If you follow the steps I discussed with you above, you can log in to Fiverr, hire a skilled freelancer and pay for a gig in minutes without anyone assisting you.
For further reading, you can check out this article on Fiverr vs Upwork, which is the best place to hire a freelancer
I signed on and paid for an agent today. We started a conversation. Then I lost the page and have not been able to retrieve it. I dont know how to get back to the site and I cant remember the name of the agent that I signed on to. Her name started with Jam….. PLEASE HELP!!
Hi Gloria, If you can remember the day this happened, then go to your browser history and locate the page. You can also report to Fiverr. Provided you have created an account and paid for the gig, they will surely help you resolve this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.